(844) 454-8000

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Core Returns

We understand that cores and core returns are confusing. So please call us if you have questions.

Some units sold here on 5BGParts.com include a refundable core deposit. To return your core to 5BGParts.com for credit, please call us at 844-464-8000. Upon calling, please have your invoice order number and the part number ready so we can quickly provide detailed instructions on core return. Core Returns will be not be accepted without an Core Return number.

Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. Freight collect core returns will not be accepted.

Cores must be "like for like" which means part number for part number and returned in the same box that your new unit arrived in. Cores must be complete, without previous disassembly. Cores must not be damaged by non-operational causes, such as torch or tool marks, water damage or fire damage. If the core is damaged and not usable in a remanufacturing process – you will not get credit.

Please review our Core Policy which provides specific guidance here.

You have 90 days from date of purchase to return your core for credit; cores received after 90 days will not receive credit.

Refunds for Cores will take 3-7 business days after we process the return. Refund will be to the same account or credit card that was used for the purchase.

If you need any help with this process - feel free to contact us – email or call toll free at 844-454-8000.



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